Check back soon for more upcoming events! P.S. Don’t forget to check out our 2023 raffle quilt, the Garden Life Quilt!
Block of the Month Group Project 2022 nordic Stars

Summer Sew in July 2023


Dog Beds Complete and
Donated to the local animal shelter
Show and Tell
June 2023

Pizza Box Challenge
May 2023
From September to May Guild Members passed their own fabric around in pizza boxes to make quilting blocks. In the end the participants had 9 unique blocks for a quilt.

Our group has had quilt challenges and exhibits at quilt shows or the Somerset County Court House Gallery. Here is some of the work of our talented quilters on display.

The following two photos are some of our Paint Chip Challenge Quilts that were displayed at the Franklin Library and the Mancuso Quilt Show.

The following wall hangings are our Dreaming Up a Stream Challenge that was displayed at a National Quilt Show.